Episode 24
March 01, 2021
Quick Bite: Blueprint for Restaurant Recovery with Sean Kennedy
Guest Speakers:
The federal and state response to restaurants struggling through the pandemic has been uneven at best. Sean Kennedy of the National Restaurant Association’s Public Affairs team returned to Order Up to discuss what Congress needs to do – right now – to help the industry recover. Listen to the episode and contact your legislators to be part of the change.
This podcast is not intended to provide medical or legal advice. Adherence to any suggestions regarding the COVID-19 viral disease cannot ensure prevention of infection. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, guidance may change as our understanding of unique challenges that COVID-19 poses within each country, state, and locality. Neither the National Restaurant Association nor its affiliates warrant or guarantee the accuracy or suitability of any information offered, and the podcast listener is encouraged to do their own research, and where appropriate, obtain the advice or guidance of legal counsel or the input of other experts with respect to their practices and/or applicable laws.
Listen to the previous episodes